jeudi 4 août 2016

Adventure will go on :) (Personnal chatting and future plan)

Hi everyone,

After much thought and some up and down about the GTR, I finally decided to go on with it.

After some fixing on the exhaust line (consequence of my previous offroad adventure ath the beginning of this year), I was able to drive it again.

As foreseen, I went to "Le Mans classique" with it and enjoy the 500km ride even with my still non working aircon (Ok, I admit that it will be more pleaseant with a working one).
Concerning the event itself it was huge and full of beautiful cars but I'm must admit that I 'm always a bit sad that there is so few old japanese cars outside the "Z"

Thanks again to the Datsun france Club that allow me to take part with them

But much more that 2x500km trip that's the small rides were I enjoy the car back. What I think finally decide me is some chating with during a photoshoot we made with two members of  Okutan 102 facebook page.

Even those two guys are more honda fan, they've a lot of passion for all japanese cars. I already helped them with my two other toys ( My 1976 Mazda 818 and my daily BRZ ) and it's always a pleasure to chat with them.
So speaking with them I realize that I only focused on the weak points of my cars and forget how lucky I was to drive such a car in continental Europe.

So enough sentimental chatting, let's take a look on what we'll come next.

First : front turret rust problem. It's a well known problem of our Nissan and my car was unfortunatly not spare by it.

I'll try to find someone who could solve this AND my aircon problem in the same time during winter so I can enjoy my car fully next summer.

In the list of other jobs to do, there's also :
  1. front headlights replacement. The conversion (for LHD drive) was not perfectly done and the plastic had worn a lot inside...
  2. Find a beter/proper placement for the gauges as their actual position have too much  taste of unfinished business.
  3. Check the pressure regulator. As it's probably still the original one, I wonder if I'll go for a new OEM one (still wait news from My Nissan dealer if we could get one in EU) or directly use a BORDER(tm) Fuel delivery kit (replacing the rail in the same time). If anyone and an advice on this part, I'm listening  
Once those change will be made, I will take care of the chassis with (in mid/longterm depending of the budget):
  • replacement of all the old bushings
  • installation of front brace
  • Installation of Nismo link set front and rear
I did'nt abandon the idea of making a S-tune replica with my car but the price of those "simple pieces of plastic" vs real benefit of it made bumpers and side skirt replacement go down to the very bottom of the list.

So still a lot of things to do but decision is made to go further so  let's roll (and may be start playing lottery too :p )


samedi 23 avril 2016

Still alive ... and driving (sort of...)

Long time I didn't post here.

The 33 is still alive but I must admit that since the "Spa classic", I didn't drive it a lot.

Last summer, I let it to my brother-in-law's garage for a complete check of the underneath and treatment of some rust points (mainly on the rear section).

Then, my back problems came back and I prefer to drive more my BRZ instead.
Not really because it's a way more comfortable (it's lower, less accessible, and quite as "harsh" as the GTR) but rather beacause it's more modern (with heater seats which help a little with the back, less consumption, working airco ...), more agile and it allow me to come a way lot closer to "fun within legal limits" than with the GTR to be honnest.

To add more doubt in my mind, start of the year with the skyline was bad

Cold and wet condition with summer tyres (and possible addition of some oil on the road) and the rear decided to suddenly go first at the exit of a roundabout to end up like this.

Seeing the picture today, I realize that I had a lot of luck to be stopped by the ditch were the rear fall. Some meters sooner or later (into the small woods) and damages could be lot worse.

Mechanic wasn't affected (except a lot of mud in the exhaust), the front lip was destroyed and rear and driver car door sill need some repairs

I must admit that at this moment, I was very tempted to put it on sale as it was.
I was still in the same state of mind that in my post from october 2013 and this incident was sort of " the drop of water that has made the vase overflow"...
But after some thoughts, I decided to repair it  (at least to be able to take part at "Le Mans classic" this year) and see later what to do ...

So some weeks ago, the Skyline was finally repaired and the old front lip was replaced door a new Greddy version. 

 So it's back (in her box at least). As I said before, I intended to take part at the "Le Mans classic"  and some other events in the next few weeks but after that ...

It is a formidable car (and it allows me to meet a lot of people with some of them who became good friends) but I still have the feeling of walking on the edge with it.

I think that all the drawbacks (and to be honnest the costs/driven kilometers) are too close of overflowing the good memories it brings.

Only future will tell what will come next ...